ICPhS 2023:
Pre-Pausal Glottalization
Chicontepec Nahuatl

The following examples demonstrate pre-pausal glottalization in the utterance final context. In the first example, the verb is utterance-final while in the second example, the noun is utterance-final. As both words are vowel-final words, the glottalization here is realized as clear canonical glottal stops.

Verb-final example with noun-incorporation.

Noun-final example.

The following examples demonstrate pre-pausal glottalization in the utterance-final context realized to the left of the utterance boundary. Glottalization is realized on the final vowel for a consonant-final words. When the final vowel is voiceless, glottalization moves to the penultimate vowel/syllable.

Utterance-final pre-pausal glottalization realized on vowel on consonant-final word.

Utterance-final pre-pausal glottalization realized on penultimate vowel when final vowel is devoiced.
